During this difficult time in our political history many are struggling due to the disturbing information that is in the news on a daily basis.
There are many therapeutic ways to address the difficulties we are all facing at this time in order to support you and your emotional health. I will work with you to use the techniques and methods that will help you the most. What will help one person may not be what helps another person. I ask for and welcome your feedback to help create the sessions you need.
Our interactions are focused to utilize specific therapeutic techniques to direct your session. Healthy therapy involves each interaction being directed by specific therapeutic modalities and techniques. While therapy often looks like two people simply chatting, as your therapist I am using specific techniques in an ongoing manner to support what you most need in your session to support YOU from a mental health perspective.
I welcome any questions you may have about these techniques and I’m happy to tell you more.
The current political climate is difficult, and while I may agree with you on a personal level this will not be shared in session, your session will be focused on the techniques that best help YOU.